Metaphysics Discussion

Dear Reader,

Let’s talk Metaphysics… Frankly, I am likely out of my depth with this topic but I am a firm believer in trial by fire. So let’s dive in!

What is Metaphysics?

This is a foundational branch of philosophy that discusses the very nature of reality. It includes areas of discussion such as:

Ontology (Being and Existence), Cosmology (Universe and it’s Origin), Epistemology (Knowledge and Nature), and the Philosophy of the Mind (Consciousness and Mental Phenomena).

At a high-level, each of these areas have something in common and thus fall under the larger umbrella that is Metaphysics. What’s does it mean to be? What is real? What is alive? Where did we come from and where are we going? Philosophers discuss these questions and so much more so that we might better understand the world around us and what our place in it could be.

My Two Cents…

If people can understand where they are coming from and what the goal is, they can make educated decisions to get themselves where they need to be. All roads lead to Rome, but no two roads need be the same. People view things through different lenses taking into account their own experiences and perspectives. This results in unique approaches to nearly everything. But what does this have to do with Metaphysics?

I see Metaphysics as being foundational in nature. This provides people with the baseline, the starting point from which we can all “begin”. By discussing some of these seemingly arbitrary questions, it can provide people with an understanding of what is and what could be.

With a firm understanding of what the baseline or our starting point is, other branches of philosophy can and should leveraged to discuss what the goal is and will provide tools for us to navigate getting there!

I am fairly simple and so don’t often question the why or nature of things around me. I often just accept things as being are what they are. With having children, I have discovered what is important and a driving force in my life.

What is real? My family, my children, my love for them, and my need to care and provide for them. Time is precious and finite and having my family has provided me with purpose. I try to make my time with them count.

This is my foundation. My “why”. The driving force in my life. Every individual must find for themselves why they are here and must determine what is real and important to them. We can always question what is here and is it real? But I believe these are futile mental exercises meant to distract us. Clearly, we are here, look around! I believe we were put here (on earth, simulation or “real”) to learn something and to grow. To find purpose. I don’t believe our purpose is concrete (after all, I didn’t always have my family…) and likely changes with time as we grow and evolve as people. But having a firm foundation is paramount. Without it, we are lost and cannot build or grow as individuals. We have not yet found where to begin. And so I encourage you to build your personal foundation and to find your purpose. Dive into Metaphysics more and journey with philosophers as they help themselves and others establish a solid baseline.

The new Metaphysics page has been added to – Philosophical Disciplines – Metaphysics!

Thank you so much for you time and patience and I look forward to learning and growing with you!

Every individual must find for themselves why they are here and must determine what is real and important to them. Without this, we are lost and cannot grow. – Mathetes

If you’re interested in learning a little more about philosophy and Metaphysics in particular, a resource I have found beneficial is the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Hyperlinked is their take on Metaphysics. The page provides a wealth of information about the field including resources and references..

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